Saturday, July 28, 2012

Mad Tea Party Adventure. The Lost Rabbit.

Welcome, everyone
and especially all of you
who are here from

Would you like some tea?
I'll be Mother...

To Begin at the Beginning.

The Prologue.

Oh, dear, what can the matter be?
Dear, dear, what can the matter be?
Oh, dear, what can the matter be?
Bunny's so long at the Fair.

She went to the fair in a dress trimmed with roses
her new stripy stockings and shoes for her toeses!
She smiled very sweetly and won her Blue Ribbon
But she hasn't been seen since the Fair!

Chapter One

Look at the clock!

Indeed. Half-past three 
is time for tea.
Time for tea and cake.
There's scones to bake.
And, hey! There's cake!

Tea in the garden
shaded from the sun.
There'll be games and forfeits,
all kinds of fun.
But Miss Rabbit isn't here yet.
That's why we've not begun.

Ella brought a gift
tied with a blue bow.
Polly made the cake,
with icing soft as snow.
The tea is hot, but we can't start,
without our guest, you know.

Chapter Two

The sun, it moves around the sky
(It doesn't, really. It just looks that way)
And we get hungrier as time goes by.
And Rabbit better hurry 
or there'll be no cake to try!

Ella     'Can we start now?'
Polly                         'No.'
Ella   'May we start now?'
Polly                          'No.'
Ella   'Can I test the cake?'
Polly                        'No!'

 Oh my! Half past four?
It's not funny any more.
We're hungry for cake.
And Miss Rabbit's very late.

 Polly checked the clock,
stood up, and smoothed down her frock.
'I don't see her at the gate.
Why are Rabbits ALWAYS late?'

She sighed. 'Sit here and please be nice.
Stone Rabbit will have some advice.'

Chapter Three

Polly went off to find Stone Rabbit.
A wise old bunny, made of granite.
While Ella sat and pouted at the cake.
And thought about what mischief she could make...

Old Stone Rabbit looked calm and serene
even when she was told Bunny hadn't been seen
since the Fair. 'Don't worry,'she said 'things will be fine.
I'm sure she'll be here.She's just taking her time.
Be patient. Be hopeful. She'll be back before nine.'

So Polly walked back to the table and tea.
She wanted a cuppa, or maybe three.
But she gasped with shock!
Oh dear! What did she see?

Miss Polly is startled, until she sees Ella moving.
And, wait a minute, the skeleton is laughing!
She's very annoyed but Ella thinks it funny.
'It was a lot more fun than waiting for that Bunny!'

The Skeleton is giggling, she thought it was jolly
 but Polly keeps fussing until Ella is sorry.
And Bunny is still missing and it's getting late.
They must hunt for her, it's pointless to wait.

Chapter Four 

They find Mr Steambike
with his transport extreme
He fires up the Steambike 
and, as it starts to steam
suggests that the Tin Men
should join with their team.

The Tin Men are rusty and old and tall.
And Ella has always been scared of them all.
So Polly will ask them to help on the trail.
And Ella will see if Bunny's in the mail.

The Tin Men are flattered, of course they'll assist.
And Miss Rabbit's so sweet, she'll be terribly missed.
And off they go, with a clank and a hiss
looking diligently for one rabbit Miss.

Miss Ella climbs up to the mail box to check.

She peers inside, where it's cool and it's black
but there's no rabbit in there, no parcel, no pack.

The dolls meet up  at the old Wishing Well.
They throw in a penny and make that old spell.
And as their coin makes a splash of bubbly foam,
they wish for Miss Rabbit to quickly come home.

  Chapter Five

They're not sure what to do for the best.
Then Ella says, 'Let's go on a Quest!
Over the lawn and past the overgrown rose tree
and down through the meadow and back, for some more tea.
And look everywhere for bunny ears or tail
and keep looking , so our quest doesn't fail.'

 The brave little dolls venture abroad
on the dried Summer grass that make up the yard,
and many strange things they saw on the ground..
Here are few of the things that they found.

A pumpkin, still small and new.
And hey! That's a crystal shoe!

Fan and gloves, left on the ground?
That'll be some rabbit, I'll be bound!
But not Miss Rabbit, it's not she.
She doesn't wear gloves, you see?

What about this? A bottle of  'Drink Me' ?
Dangerous things,  that's what Alice once told me.
And if Rabbit has drunk one and shrunk very small,
there's no point in doing this search at all.

A peach tree covered in lace and flowers
the very best of gracious bowers.

And in it, a princess, quite asleep.
They tiptoe away, so her dreams she'll keep.

Chapter Six

Polly looks up to the sky above,
where the sunset is pink and blue as a dove.

And says,'Dear Ella, so brave and true,
there's only one thing left to do.
Miss Rabbit isn't here, so I must go seek her.
And you must stay here, so there's someone to greet her.

 And Polly bridled the mare, with blue ribbons and posies
and rode out in the starlight and pale Summer roses.
And she's out there still, while little Ella and I 
sit waiting for the bunny who got lost at the Fair.

To be continued...

Well, what I was going to do for my first Mad Tea Party
was an adventure with Miss R White.
But Miss R White never came home from the Fair.
No, she's out there, somewhere, 

I hope I get her back!

For more Tea Party Madness
where hot tea and iced cakes are being served, 
and there is colour and sweetness and more, 
for everyone.

Vanessa is waiting and she has laid out 
such a glorious spread.

Maybe Miss R White is there already?


  1. Lovely party! I love all the happy colors and you simply had me at steambike!

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comment and Mr Steambike raises his hat to you!

  2. Oh dear I hope bunny comes home from the fair soon, and everyone can have tea :)
    Thank you so much for inviting me,
    I hope to see you soon at my party too, everyone is invited :)
    Mad Madam Mel x

    1. Oh, what a lovely blog you have! I loved the apothecary shelves. I also loved your 'Drink Me' story with the weeny tent! What a lovely idea. Thank you for visiting my MTP!

  3. I do love a good Dolls Tea party. Such fun!

    I do hope you find Miss R White soon!

    1. Thank you so much! I've had some sightings. Someone knows where she is, and maybe I can have her home by Monday!

  4. Beautiful Dollies. I bet that they are having wonderful adventures, but I know how we worry about them. I know Homecoming will be great.

    I hope to see you at my party too:

    See you soon.

    1. I will be there just as soon as I pour myself another cup of tea! Thank you for coming and sharing the dolls' tea party. Why ARE rabbits always late?

  5. Oh Rhissanna, what a WONDERFUL story!! I love tea parties, may I have a cup for Bebe also? I sure hope Miss R. White shows up soon... Bebe has a spy kit at home... I will send her on a mission to find her...
    Fantastic post!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Of course Bebe may have a cup. And a slice of cake, too? If Bebe gets news of Miss Rabbit, you'll let us know, post haste? We're all rather worried...

  6. What a fun mad tea party, well done! I love the look of that scrumptious cake in particular nom nom nom :)

    Please come visit me at mine for a cup of tea:

    1. I'm headed there right now! The cake? It was so hard not eating it and keeping it nice for the pictures! Hubby was a little put out he couldn't eat it, either. I'll have to make some just for us!

  7. Oh how fun. Won't my grand children delight in this fun story. And I do hope they find her and get to join together for a fun time of merriment with that yummy looking cake and a cute tea party set for all. Thank you for such a lovely visit.

    1. Thank you, Ann and thank you for dropping by. I an really intrigued by a blog dedicated to dolly tea sets! What a cute idea!. Yes, Miss Rabbit White really did go to the fair and really is missing! I'v heard rumours that she's in safe custody and I should get her back by Monday. Here's hoping!

  8. My first tea party too! Nice how you divided into chapters.

    Give me a visit some time ~

    1. Wow! I LOVE the name of your blog! Brilliant! Heh, loved your elf poem, too *smirk*

  9. Magical party! Please stop by mine if you can! :)

    1. I am going to try and visit every single one, if I can! Thank you for visiting mine.

  10. Hahaaa!! Oh brilliant!! You are so funny and charming!!!!

    Thank you for a wonderful party, great characters, tales and treats!

    Happy Mad Tea Partying!
    ♥ Vanessa {a fanciful twist}

    1. Thank you so much, Vanessa and thank you for making all this possible for all of us.

  11. Your dolls are so lovely! I had a wonderful time! So charming and funny! I do hope you will come visit me!

    1. Thank you for visiting me and thank you for your splendid tea! I really love that crazy patchwork. How perfect for a Mad Tea tablecloth. neat giveaway you have, too!

  12. What charming Mad Tea Party madness! I do hope Miss Rabbit is found. I am looking forward to the continuation of this magical tale! Such scrumptious goodies are going to go to waste if Miss Rabbit doesn't come home soon!
    Teresa in California

    1. Thank you, Teresa! I hope to get her home today. It's all been rather worrying!

  13. How cute; I hope Miss Rabbit makes it home safely!

    Please visit me (if you haven't already):

    1. Thank you so much for visiting! You've made up my mind; I need to buy a copy of Carrie's War!

  14. I had a great time at your party. Everyone was so wonderful and friendly. You did a great job.

    I hope that you will visit me:

    1. Oh yes, I'm hoping to visit everyone! I'm doing it in alphabetical order and I'm up to L. I'll be there soon. Thank you for visiting me and welcome back any time

  15. *wonders if Miss R White has found Mr R White* Hope you don't mind...but I was famished and snuck a sweet cake...the tin man said it was okay.

    1. Well, the Tin Man doesn't really fancy cake, so he's happy to share. But a bottle of Castrol GTX? You'll be lucky to get a thimbleful. Thank you for visiting. As for a Mr R White? I'll have to check his credentials!

  16. What a wonderful party! And...I sort of snuck a that okay? I couldn't help it, I'm sorry!!! And an extra cup of tea...don't behead me! :)

    Here is a link to my party:

    Thanks for the lovely post! ♥

    1. Please, help yourself to cake and tea! There's always lots of tea here, chez Rhissanna. Beheading? Of course not. Beheadings are on Thursday.

  17. You have me on the edge of my seat - will she return safely from the fair? Has she met a charming hare who has lured her away?
    What a beautiful area to do your searching in. I would not mind getting lost there.

    1. A hare? Now there's a thought! The garden is full of bunnies (and every year, somehow, there's even more bunnies...) Thank you for complementing my garden. The photographs were very carefully chosen!

  18. HA! I love it! Bunny is grand, and "Gasp" is hilarious!

    1. Thank you! I went digging for my box of skeletons and found one missing. Skeletons drinking tea, indeed! They leak, poor dears...

  19. He!he!he!
    This was a very long story!
    I can tell you had much fun!!!! I couldn't stop laughing at the photo of the doll gasping! LOL!!! is the rabbit????

    It was nice to visit you again Rhissana.

    1. Hi there! I had a phone call yesterday to say she'd been located and I really hope to have her home some time today.

      Thank you for coming over for the Mad Tea. Alienore is welcome any time for a cup of tea and some cake.

  20. Rhissana,
    What a wonderfully exciting tea party, with lots of fun and madness and silly antics. I couldnt wait for miss R White either. I just had to have a bite of that cake.

    Thank you for inviting me. Oh please do drop in for a Spoonful of Mad Tea over on the Other Side of Wonderland
    Wishes and Whimsy
    Wendy from Wonderland

    1. You're welcome! And help yourself to cake. If Miss R White comes home, I'll make a carrot cake specially for her.

  21. What a lovely party, with lots of characters! I love the cookie cake. xx

    1. Thank you so much! If Rabbit doesn't get back soon, there won't BE any cake. Thank you for visiting and you're welcome back any time!

  22. Wonderful party! Thank You for having me...
    Won't you join me too?

    Xo Susan

    1. What a wonderful Mad Tea you had, my dear! I saw and it was delightful!

      It was a pleasure to have you here. Thank you for visiting and you're welcome back any time!

  23. Oh, what fun this is, Rhissanna! I love your story, so beautifully told. I can't wait to check out the other tea parties!

    1. Thank you for visiting, Patti. There's some gorgeous Mad Tea Parties out there, with some lovely vignettes. Maybe we'll meet up at one!

  24. Just popped in and found the party going on - what fun!
    I do hope Miss R turns up soon ^_^

    1. Thank you so much! Stay as long as you want, we have plenty of tea. Miss R has been located, thanks to a bit of sleuthing and I hope to have her home tonight!

      Thank you for visiting and you're welcome back any time!

  25. Love you wonderful dolls - beautiful tea party!
    hope you can visit my parties!

    1. Thank you for inviting me, Lisa! I'm so glad you like the dolls. I think they rather enjoyed it, too.

      Thank you for visiting and you're welcome back any time!

  26. Love you wonderful dolls - beautiful tea party!
    hope you can visit my parties!

    1. Thank you so much! I think they had a good time, too! I'm going to visit everyone in alphabetical order. I think I'm up to 'K'!

  27. thank you for a fun and magical tea party! the cake was delicious!

    1. You're so very welcome! Drop in for tea any time!

  28. What a lovely party you have had here and thank you so much for visiting me in mine! I have much exploring to do in your blog here!! Thank you for welcoming me to it!!

    Wishing you a wonderful day!


    1. Thank you, Betty! Yes, please have a look around. I'm sure the errant Miss R white is hiding here, somewhere. Enjoy some cake and tea while you're looking.

  29. Marvelous!!!! I loved your story but where is poor Miss rabbit?

    1. It's all been a bit of a mystery. Miss R White's true story of how she vanished is a tale of misunderstandings, misadventures and eventual recovery. It is a story with no villains but with a lengthy game of phone-tag. I just had a call from my heroic FIL, who said he has all three dolls nice and safe in a bag. So, hooray for persistent pirates ( My FIL wears an eye patch! My youngest daughter used to call him 'The Pirate'. Not out of knowing cuteness. That's what she really thought he was)

  30. I love the doll & story vignettes! The "Alice" is very unique. Love it!

    1. Thank you so much! It was a huge amount of fun to put together and the story just grew out of the pictures.

  31. Oh man, you rhymed the whole time? That takes some effort and talent! Thanks for the story. YAY for making lemon tea out of lemons. Hope your cute bunny comes from back the fair. And congrats on the win! Loved all your beautiful dolls. Isn't doll making fun? My fav was Mr. Steambike and his bike - They rocked!


    1. Thank you so much, Meliss!

      Once you start to rhyme,
      it's hard to stop, it sounds so fine.
      And I was glad I had the time,
      that and a rhyming dictionary on-line.

      ... Uh...


      I'm considering doing a tutorial on making Mr Steambike on my Steampunk blog, if only I can find a similar clockwork toy. (It's won't be much of a tutorial. Basically, it':- Find clockwork toy. Check that it works. Glue on random bits. Spray metallic paint. Make sure it still works. Done)

  32. Oh! Ella is such a character!

    Thanks for stopping by my teeny party!

    1. Oh, you have a lovely Mad Tea Party! Those little dolls you have are so cute!

      Ella? I think she's that way because I made her about three years ago and she still doesn't have a dress...

  33. OK now you are leaving us hanging. I need the address for Mr. Skelton and Tin Man, I want them to send some friends to mine next year. I love your story and wish I had a Mr. Stone Rabbit. I am a first time visitor and so happy I found you. I am your newest follower.
    Now pour me a cup of tea and pass the sweets I want to hear all the tales and adventure.
    Thanks for letting me stay. Kathy

    1. Thank you for being a follower and you're welcome to tea, any time! As for skeletons, I'm going to be giving some to new homes soon, on my Steampunk blog. It's that time of year.

      The maker of my Tin Men was also instrumental in locating my lost bunny. He's my hero!

  34. What a great storyteller, a fabulous one you are! I hope you can find Miss Rabbit, I hope she's not very far! Thanks for visiting my tea party adventure too, I greatly look forward to being friends with you! :)

    1. Oh yes, your party was a smasher, with a handsome Mad Hatter presiding over a grill!

      And thank you, thank you, for commenting in rhyme!
      I really don't know how you find the time!

  35. What a charming Mad Tea Party! You put so much work into this! Thank you for a great time!!! :)

    1. Thank you so much. I was thrown into a panic when I didn't get Miss Rabbit back abnd the story came out of my panic. Thank you for visiting. Please have another cup of tea!

  36. I'm terrible. I know it. I won't even argue. But I kept on asking myself, are those funnel-shaped breasts on one of the Tin Men? Told you I was terribly, not to mention late, so late, so late, so late!

    1. Yes! YES! My father-in-law made her and he called her Tin Tina! Isn't she cute? Those are little wooden hears on her boobies. How observant you are! I considered calling then Tin People, but that isn't quite the same literary reference. Thank you for coming, Magaly. Have another cup of tea!

    2. I shall have another cup indeed. Tin Tina sounds lovely! And what lovely hair she has. Your father-in-law is quite the artist. And I'm betting you planted the idea, so you make an awesome duo ;-)

  37. Wheeeee!!! What a wonderful, whimsical tea party! I love it. Love the rabbit. Love Alice. Love the cake...

    Thank you!!!

    1. Thank you! Help yourself to a nice slice of the cake and another cup of tea!

  38. Hee Hee have you checked your tea pot for that missing bunny :)

    What a lovely cake you served, it looked like a stack of cream filled cookies - Yum!

    Sugar and Spice and everything nice
    Queen Creative

    1. You know, I didn't think to look in the teapot!

      And yes, there's a reason the tiny cake looks like a stack of cream-filled cookies. That's because it's, well, stack of cream filled cookies.

  39. I'm a great fan of steampunk, and love bunnies galore. I'm sure any minute she'll come through the door! But I really can't wait, because it's already late. Thanks for the invite. I'm off for more cake!

    1. Thank you, Bill,
      for coming to chat,
      You like bunnies and steampunk,
      do you have a top hat?
      You're welcome anytime
      for a cup of tea.
      And you can visit
      with Bunny and me.

  40. Lovely party and lovely dolls!!! Thanks for inviting me and for visiting me at my party too. I am so glad you enjoyed!

    1. I had a lovely time, thank you Dena. And thank you for popping in here at my tea party.

  41. Love a bit of mystery with a spot of tea! I am sure Miss Rabbit headed to Miss Vanessa's. Why Not, I would love to be there right now! Thank you for a fabulous time!

    1. You know, you might have a point there. I should go back and check, right?

  42. Oh no...I hope you find your rabbit. This party was simply enchanting, the dolls , the tin men, the rabbit. Just so lovely!

  43. Enchanting!Wonderful party and story.I must now follow you!Denise of Coffeeberry Cottage

    1. Thank you so much Denise and thank you for the follow!

  44. What whimsy and fun, Rhissanna! I liked the poetry and sweet little cake. Thx for visiting my tea party :)

    1. My pleasure! Thank you for inviting me! I'll have to make another little cake. That one is now preserved in a jar, maybe for future photo sessions!

  45. Utterly spellbinding...loved the story and the pictures(especially the Tin man with the Madonna boobies lol) :D XXX

    1. Heh! Thank you. Well done on spotting the boobies. My father-in-law made her and he is so proud of his Tin Tina!

  46. This was such a fun tea party! Thank you for inviting me! I loved the story and photos!

    1. Thank you, it was a blast to do. True story, too!

  47. I don't think I've ever been to a party as exciting as yours!

    1. Thank you, Sherry. We never got to eat the cake, though!

  48. Wow, you put so much into your post for the mad tea party. I love your header too, and I am a new follower.

    1. Thank you! And thank you for the follow. Every new follower is a thrill!

  49. What a great story! I hope Miss Rabbit turns up some time soon!
    Sarah :)

    1. Thank you!
      I'll have to do an update. Hubby came home with her and her friends last night. I was so relieved!

  50. This is the most delightful tea party. I am riveted. You certainly have a way with words and, of course, making lovely dolls (especially in rabbit form).

    1. Thank you so much, Amy! I'm happy to say, I got Miss R White back last night and she was none the worse for her adventure (and was sporting a lovely blue ribbon!)

  51. Not only was the tea delicious, but the story will send me off to bedtime in dreamy visions of fantasy and imagination. I hope I can sleep. This is too much fun indeed. I especially love that scene of Polly riding out in the starlight summer roses. Oh, don't you wish the magic could go on forever. Wait, this is blogland. Of course it can. :) I look forward to visiting again soon.
    Thank you, love.
    Marcia (aka Shopgirl) ;)

    1. Indeed. If we can't dream in Blogland, where can we dream? I'm glad the story entertained, I'll have to make some more tea and finish it!

  52. Lovely party my dear! I have truly enjoyed my stay! Thank you for visiting my party earlier and inviting me here today! xoxo

    1. My pleasure! Always happy to offer tea and cake to everyone who comes through!

  53. Oh, Rhisanna!!!
    What a superb story!!! Loved the text, the rime, the characters, your beautiful dolls!!!!
    Hope to see a part two in the future.
    Now I have to check out your other creations.
    xo Christina

    1. Thank you so much, Christina! When it finally stops raining (I'm not complaining about the rain. It's very welcome) I'll be out to take more pictures. I did get Miss Rabbit back, though!

  54. Love your dolls! What a clever story. My favorite were the tin people. How creative! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much. I'll have to tell my Father-in-Law that everyone loves his Tin Men. I wish he'd make more!

  55. Hellooooo and thank you for your visit to my feast :) What a beautiful party/story and magical dolls ! I am so glad that I was still welcome, allthough I was a little late.
    xoxoxox Joyce

    1. Don't you worry about being late. Us rabbits are always late. I'll put the kettle on and make a fresh pot of tea. Thank you for visiting!

  56. Thank you for inviting me! I am so glad I came, what a fantastic party, I had such a great time :0)

    1. Thank you so much for coming! There's always cake and tea, here!


Thank you all for the wonderful and supportive things you say! I'm thrilled to read them and I reply to each one.