Friday, December 14, 2012

The Coventry Carol

Such awful news. Anything I'd write would be inadequate, but my heart goes out to the children and parents and teachers and families caught up in this tragic event.


  1. You are quite right in that there are no words for what happened. Your Coventry Carol is beautiful.

  2. This is all we can do, is to somehow lift our voices ABOVE AND BEYOND the evil. GOODNESS DOES OVERCOME.

    Thank you precious bunny lover and friend, for coming to visit. Thank you, for this beautiful song. Anita

  3. My heart goes out to every parent, child, teacher...words will never express my sorrow; only God can answer the question why?

  4. our heart are also with the parents who lost their kids just few days before Christmas...and this news is very very sad...
    we pray for them to be strong and pray, that such tragedy never happens again.

  5. The only comfort is in knowing those little lambs are with The Shepherd.


Thank you all for the wonderful and supportive things you say! I'm thrilled to read them and I reply to each one.