Monday, October 10, 2016

 Fairytale/Punk Day

Virtual FantasyCon is an 
on-line convention 
celebrating fantasy writing and art.

St Cecilia    J W Waterhouse
Hey, there. 

This is a writer bio.

( Just so you know, 
we all hate writing these things 
as we're obliged to put ourselves in a spotlight. 
If we liked being in the spotlight,
 we probably wouldn't be drawn to an art 
that requires us to labour alone 
with words on blank spaces.
 Instead we'd be rock stars. 
Every one of us.)


 My name is Rhissanna Collins and I am a writer. 
 I write the kind of things I want to read 
and my most successful adventures so far
 have been in co-writing the Mabel Bunt adventures 
with the very talented B R Marsten. 

(Find his blog in the link.)

Mabel Bunt and the Masked Monarchs
is a rip-snorting, fast-paced, clockpunk tale 
of shining blades and tight-packed corsets;
 revenge and love; gallows and garters,
with wit and drama and action to spare.

 Clockpunk, you say?

Yes, indeed.

Back to the writer's bio...

I write because I like having adventures 
without leaving my chair
 and I write because words are the most 
delicious calorie-free snack I know.

When I'm not writing I make dolls
peddle them on Etsy.

 Yes, I know that sounds creepy.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Mabel Bunt : Free and Easy. Free Book!

When I'm not being a doll maker,
I'm being a writer.

I've been lucky enough to co-write a 
ribald, swashbuckling adventure with
about Mabel Bunt;
a girl with a big heart and 
loose morals who is sent to
comfort a noble on his last night
before his beheading.

She gets into all kinds of trouble
and find herself a fugitive from the
king's justice and a shadowy secret society!

Swordplay, corsets, derring-do all ensue.

The first book,
is available right now
for a free download.

Free download
until Sunday, 24th April.

After that, it's $2.99.
So, almost free?

The next book,
is available now,

Find out what happens next
is Mabel's extraordinary adventures.

I was delighted to be
able to do the cover work for
both these novels.

This is the mask I made for the second volume,
with my first try or a crackle finish
using the school/PVA glue technique.

I was really thrilled with how it came out
and how stable it's been. 
No flaking or cracking.

And this is my Mabel Bunt doll!

Here are the links for 
the Mabel Bunt free download
around the world.

Thank you so much
for your support.

Every free download really does help us.
Every book purchase means we can continue
to write this wonderful story.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Cult of Doll : Secret Project

Well, I can't tell you anything about this.
It's a secret.

What I can tell you is that
all will be revealed on
April 24th 2016.

It's been a wonderful,
uplifting event to be involved with
and I'm delighted to 
be included here with some fabulous
and inspiring doll makers.

For more information and the big reveal
visit the 
Facebook page.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

A Doll with No Name.


I don't know who she is,
 because she won't tell me.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Face # 10!

Face #10 of the 

This is a small sketch
in pencil
on a tiny piece of 
5"X 3" paper.

Yes, I know I'm six faces behind.

I hope to visit people's faces, soon!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Face Two!

This is day two of the

I'm still here, still drawing!

This is an Absinthe Fairy
on a little index file card.

She's a preparatory drawing for 
an Absinthe Tea Set
I'm working on.

Channeling some Lalique here.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Day One 29 faces Art Challenge.

So, I need to be able to draw better faces.

I do.

So I'm joining the 29 Faces Challenge for 
February 2016.

Here is face one

It's going to be a long month.