Saturday, April 28, 2012

Look! Look what I got! Thank you, Mary!

See this gorgeous little bag?

See the painted wooden button, 
and the fabric with the natty black cats on a
sky-blue doily background?

 How about the flipside, with three square buttons?
Really sweet, yes?

And the cute ribbon pull on the zip,
with an even cuter striped button 
on the end.
This lovely little thing was sent to me
(over the sea)
 by Mary, of

Thank you so much, Mary!
I was thrilled to get this, 
it's a lovely little bag 
and I'm going to use it as 
a sweet little evening bag this summer.

Mary is a doll maker and, 
as her blog title suggests,
creative in all kinds of fabric art.

She makes lovely BJD's
(Ball jointed doll)

(I've not had the nerve to try one of these.)

Mary's are gorgeous, with long elegant limbs 
and graceful poses.

 with sweet faces and lovely clothes.

 Mary paints, too.
 Lovely, pensive images
with the recurring themes of 
women and wild flowers and birds.

 Pop on over and have a look.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day

 Me, Bessie (she's the cute one) and some earth.
This is an unphotoshopped image, 
taken on organically grown grass
(The dog helps)
lit by natural sunlight.
Even if we only
do one little thing today
that's green 
that's something.

I'm planting a wee little lemon tree
grown from a lemon pip
using the baby-sitting method.

It won't grow any lemons, probably, 
but it will be green and pretty.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

This And That

A flurry of work on the Steampunk Study hasn't left me with much time to pop in here. 
However, I am making progress with Ms Leopard. 
I'm not sure about the bright red hair, but I've drawn a face I like.
I hope this translates well to paint.
The  doll faces I paint are never like the ones I draw.

I'm also working on a commission,
to restore a 1930's lamp.
She must have been very beautiful, when new.

Have a lovely day.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Papillon Bleu and the Birthday Party Giveaway

I've just found the most wonderful and fun doll blog. 
It's sweet and friendly and joyous 
and puts my stodgy offering to shame.

See? You're all invited!

Papillon Blue, a doll maker (lovely dolls, too)
is having a giveaway for AliƩnore.
Pop on over and see what's going on 
and join the giveaway.

It's here!


Monday, April 2, 2012

Another Egg

Quack, Permanent marker on blown egg